
In Confirmation there is a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the baptized person. We are given increased love and strength to serve the Church, in order that we may be enabled to bring not only ourselves but others to God. To signify the gift of the Spirit, the Church anoints the confirmed with chrism, a sacred oil used as a sign of abundance and joy and as an indicator between the connection between Baptism and Confirmation. Those who are anointed now share more completely in the mission of Jesus Christ.

St. Nicholas Parish has a 2 year program for Confirmation starting in the 9th grade with the celebration of Confirmation ending in the 10th grade. Adults who are interested in receiving this sacrament should contact Father Tom.

Matrimony is a Sacrament that joins a man and a woman in a covenant for life, for the love of the spouses and the procreation and education of children. The decision to marry a specific individual is the most significant choice a person can make. This is because marriage when approached as God wants us to approach it, is not a simple contract, but a holy union that has very specific purposes.

We ask that couples interested in the Sacrament of marriage, contact Father Tom at least 6 months in advance.

Holy Baptism is the basis of our whole Christian life, the beginning of life in the Spirit and the sacrament that gives access to all other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as children of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and share in her mission: Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water and in the word.

We at St. Nicholas celebrate Baptism throughout the month by appointment. Date for Baptism instructions for parents and sponsors will be arranged after Baptism date is established, Registered parishioners are asked to please call the rectory office to make arrangements.

Godparent Requirements: Baptism requires 2 sponsors: 2 practicing Catholics or 1 practicing Catholic and 1 Christian witness. A sponsor must obtain a “Sponsor Certificate” from the Catholic church they are a member of if they are not a registered, active member of St. Nicholas’s. To qualify to be a godparent you should be registered and active with your parish for at least 6 months; be at least 16 years of age; have received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation; live a life in conformity with the Catholic faith; if married, have the marriage recognized as valid by the Catholic church.


Anointing of the Sick
A Sacrament of healing that gives health of soul and body by prayers, laying of hands and anointing with oil. It’s purpose is to confer a special grace to accept God’s will for those who are suffering from grave illness or the exhaustion of advancing age.

We ask that you please let us know of any parishioners in need of this Sacrament whether it be in the hospital, in a convalescent home or even at home.

Penance (Reconciliation)
Penance (Reconciliation) is a Sacrament of spiritual healing, in which Jesus Christ through the actions of a priest, forgives our sins. It is a way of restoring God’s bond with us.

Confessions are heard every Saturday at Good Shepherd from 3:30pm to 4:00pm .  An appointment with Father Tom may be made for a private reconciliation.