Mission News Letter
This is just the first of the updates that I’m sending in thanksgiving to yourself and the rest of the member of St. Augustine for their generosity in support of my mission. I have moved down to New Jersey with the other four mission leaders and we are getting along great. Already we have had our welcome week events and gotten into the swing of the mission year. We have a large amount of new students that have come to the events throughout the beginning of the semester, both freshmen and upper class-men who have not been a part of our ministry yet in college. Myself and the other mission leaders continue to work with students both at the events and one on one to help them to get more involved in their faith and the community here at the Catholic Center, so that they may continue to grow in faith and love, just as I was able to do during my own time at the Catholic Center.
The center here is beautiful and very open for students to come and find a place of peace, even if it is just during the day when they are between classes. We have an amazing team of mission leaders, Brothers, Priests, and lay staff that make it their sole mission to help students to come to, and grow in, Christ as they go through their college careers. I am praying for all of you at the parish and I hope you continue to pray for myself and all the other interns. Included is the first monthly newsletter that I am sending out that tells about my mission and what has been going on here at the Catholic Center. Thank you all so much for your generosity!
God Bless,
Justin Leach