Trading Post

Need help cleaning the house, perhaps a driver to take you to a doctor’s appointment, help raking those Fall leaves or then again maybe you have an item in almost perfect condition that you no longer need and would like to find it a good home. If you are a registered parishioner here at St. Nicholas you can use our “Trading Post” page -just follow these easy instructions:

1. Write a brief description of what you need to have done or a description of the item you would like to find a home for (50 words or less). For office purposes, add your full name, phone# and/or email address.

2. E-mail the description to  Saint Nicholas Parish with Subject as “Trading Post” or mail to St. Nicholas Parish, 135 Mountain Road., Seymour, CT 06483 Atten: Trading Post.

3. Once the material is received, your name as a registered parishioner will be verified. ONLY registered parishioners will be allowed to place needs on this page. The article will be placed on the page.

4. The Item will run for one (1) month